Saturday, January 19, 2013

Acronyms galore

Transportation- related Acronyms (compiled by Alan Lehto)

See also

Acronyms Definitions
1 A/C Asphalt Concrete (e.g., asphalt roads - on plans)
2 AA Alternatives Analysis
3 AAS Adopt-A-Stop
4 AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
5 ABG Above Grade (on plans and cost estimates)
6 ABS Automatic Block System (train signals)
7 ACID Accident / Incident Database
8 ACT Association for Commuter Transportation
9 ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
10 ADT Average Daily Traffic
11 ANPRM Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (federal process)
12 AORTA Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates
13 APC Automated Passenger Counter
14 APE Area of Potential Effect (formally defined area of potential effect for NEPA Analysis)
15 API Area of Potential Impact (larger, more general area of potential impact for NEPA Analysis)
16 APTA American Passenger Transit Association
17 APTS Advanced Public Transportation System (Electronic tracking and information about transit vehicles)
18 ARB Architectural Review Board
19 ASA Automatic Stop Announcements
20 ASDEIS Amended Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
21 ATC Automatic Train Control (stops trains automatically for safety if needed)
22 ATIS Automated Traveler Information System
23 ATP Accessible Transportation Program (Also 'LIFT')
24 ATP Automatic Train Protection
25 ATR Above Top of Rail
26 AVL Automated Vehicle Locator (typically satellite)
27 BA Biological Assessment (Fed environ. Process)
28 BANANA "Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything" (see "NIMBY")
29 BCID Bus Catcher Information Display
30 BDS Bus Dispatch System
31 BDS Bureau of Development Services
32 BES Bureau of Environmental Services
33 BHCD Bureau of Housing and Community Development (City of Portland)
34 BMP Best Management Practices
35 BO Biological Opinion (result of Fed environ. Process)
36 BR Boarding Ride
37 BRT Bus Rapid Transit, HCBS or 'B-Line' (Rapid Bus Lines)
38 CAC Citizens Advisory Committee
39 CAC Community Advisory Committee
40 CAD Computer Aided Design
41 CAT Citizens for Accessible Transit (Organization)
42 CAT Committee on Accessible Transportation (advisory committee to TriMet)
43 CBC Capital Budget Committee (for TriMet)
44 CBD Central Business District
45 CBO Community Based Organization
46 CBT Citizens for Better Transit
47 CCB Change Control Board
48 CCIP Contractor Controlled Insurance Program
49 CCTMP Central City Transportation Master Plan (eventually incorporated into TSP)
50 CCTV Closed Circuit Television (security cameras)
51 CDP Conceptual Development Plan
52 CDR Conceptual Design Report
53 CE Categorical Exclusion (Federal environmental process)
54 CEI Cost Effectiveness Index
55 CETAS Collaborative Environmental and Transportation Agreement for Streamlining (Oregon State for environmental review streamlining)
56 CEU Continuing Education Unit
57 CEVP Cost Estimate Validation Process (by WSDOT)
58 CFI Continuous Flow Intersection
59 CFP Certified for Payment
60 CFR Code of Federal Regulations
61 CI Community Involvement
62 CIP Cast In Place (concrete)
63 CIP Capital Improvements Program or Plan
64 CMAQ Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (Federal $Grants)
65 CMGC Construction Manager/ General Contractor (Construction Contracting Option)
66 CMU Cement Masonry Units (aka cinder blocks and cottage stones)
67 CNG Compressed Natural Gas (Bus)
68 CNU Congress for the New Urbanism
69 CoP City of Portland
70 CP&F Capital Projects and Facilities
71 CPM Critical Path Method (type of schedule)
72 CPM Critical Path / Milestones (type of schedule)
73 CPTED Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
74 CRA Cost Risk Assessment
75 CRC Columbia River Crossing
76 CRCET Columbia River Crossing Environmental Technical Committee
77 CSI Customer Service Information (System)
78 CSI Construction Specification Institute (construction specs)
79 CSO Community Service Overlay
80 C-STIP Construction - State Transportation Improvement Plan (funding category)
81 CTC Clackamas Town Center/Transit Center
82 CTC Centralized Traffic Control
83 CTPP Census Transportation Planning Package
84 CU Conditional Use
85 CUTA Canadian Urban Transit Association (Canada's APTA)
86 CW Carriage Walk
87 CWE Closed With Exception (term for status of review items, e.g., safety review)
88 C-zone Conservation Zone (CoP environmental designation)
89 DB Design - Build (construction contracting technique)
90 DBB Design - Bid - Build (construction contracting technique)
91 DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
92 DCE Documented Categorical Exclusion (Fed environ. Process)
93 DCV Documentation of Continuing Validity (mostly FHWA - to revive old DEISs)
94 DDA Development and Disposition Agreement
95 DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
96 DEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
97 DF Direct Fixation (option in laying rails)
98 DHS Department of Homeland Security
99 DLCD Department of Land Conservation and Development
100 DMEF Dredged Material Evaluation Framework
101 DMU Diesel Multiple Unit
102 DOE Department of Energy
103 DOS Development Opportunity Services
104 DPCP Downtown Parking and Circulation Plan (precursor to CCTMP)
105 DPM Downtown People Mover
106 DRAC Downtown Rail Advisory Committee (reconfirmed LRT on Mall in 90s)
107 DSDC Design Services During Construction
108 DSL Division of State Lands
109 D-STIP Development - State Transportation Improvement Plan (funding category)
110 DTAC Development Technical Advisory Committee
111 E&A Engineering and Administration (category in cost estimates)
112 E&D Elderly and Disabled
113 EA Environmental Assessment
114 ECO Employee Commute Options
115 EDTP Elderly and Disabled Transportation Plan
116 EIS Environmental Impact Statement (See 'FEIS' and 'DEIS')
117 EJ Environmental Justice
118 EJAG Environmental Justice Action Group
119 EJWG Environmental Justice Working Group
120 EMCTC ("Ee-muck-tuck") East Multnomah County Transportation Committee
121 EMU Electric Multiple Unit
122 EPA US Environmental Protenction Agency
123 EPNO East Portland Neighborhood Office
124 ER Environmental Review
125 ESA Endangered Species Act
126 FABB Faster And Better Bus
127 FBO Fixed-Base Operations (general aviation support near airport)
128 FD Final Design
129 FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
130 FFGA Full Funding Grant Agreement
131 FFY Federal Fiscal Year
132 FHWA Federal Highway Administration
133 FIR Financial Issues Report
134 FLAG Freeway Loop Advisory Group
135 FMO Financial Management Oversight
136 FMP Facilities Management Plan
137 FO Field Operations
138 FONSI Finding of No Significant Impacts
139 FS Farside (of an intersection)
140 FTA Federal Transit Agency
141 FY Fiscal Year
142 G&A General and Administration (budget category)
143 GAO Government Accountability Office
144 GBL Goofy Block Locations (pertains to Mall - locations where design is unlike the stereotypical design)
145 GIS Geographic Information Systems
146 GRDC Gresham Redevelopment Commission
147 GMA Growth Management Act (Washington State)
148 GMP Guaranteed Minimum Price
149 GSA General Services Administration
150 HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
151 HB House Bill
152 HBRR Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Repair (federal grant category)
153 HCBS High Capacity Bus Shelter
154 HCBS High Capacity Bus Service
155 HCM Highway Capacity Manual
156 HCS Highway Capacity Software
157 HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
158 HOT High Occupancy / Toll (Lane allowing HOV, or those who pay, to use)
159 HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
160 HRB Historic Resources Board
161 HRMS Human Resources Management System
162 HSIS Highway Safety Information System
163 HSR High(er) Speed Rail
164 HUD Housing and Urban Development (US federal department)
165 IAMP Interchange Access Management Plan (ODOT process)
166 ICE Internal Combustion Engine
167 ICU intersection capacity utilization (more refine V/C analysis)
168 ICURA Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area
169 IFB Information for Bid
170 IGA Intergovernmental Agreement
171 IJ Insulated Joint (boundary between train circuits)
172 I-J Origin (i) - Destination (j) in regional model
173 IMAX Interstate Max (DON'T USE - IMAX corp -movies - ordered us to stop)
174 IMSA International Municipal Signal Association 
175 IOS Initial Operating Segment
176 IS Information Systems
177 ISSR Information Systems Service Request
178 IT Information Technology
179 ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
180 ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
181 JARC Job Access and Reverse Commute
182 JPACT Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation
183 JV Joint Venture (group on contractors on one project)
184 KPI Key Project Indicators
185 KPM Keep Portland Moving (group of government staff coordinating major project impacts in central Portland)
186 LAG Local Advisory Group
187 LCDC Land Conservation and Development Commission
188 LCR Lower Columbia River
189 LEM Location Efficient Mortgage
190 LEP Limited English Proficiency
191 LEq Equivalent Noise Level
192 LFB Low Floor Bus
193 LIA Local Industrial Area (potential designation under RTP)
194 LID Local Improvement District
195 LID Low-Impact Development (typically connected to water and ESA issues)
196 LNG Liquid Natural Gas (Bus)
197 LOA Leave of Absence
198 LOI Letter of Intent
199 LOMR Letter of Map Revision (FEMA map change)
200 LONP Letter of No Prejudice
201 LOPT Lake Oswego to Portland Transit project
202 LOS Level of Service (roadway capacity measure)
203 LPA Locally Preferred Alternative
204 LPR Low Performing Routes
205 LPS Locally Preferred Segment
206 LRT Light Rail Transit
207 LRTP Long Range Transit Plan
208 LRV Light Rail Vehicle
209 LS Lump Sum (Cost estimation)
210 LUFO Land Use Final Order
211 LUSTs Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
212 MAP Million Annual Passengers
213 MAX Metropolitan Area Express
214 MAX Modesto (CA) Area Express
215 MB Mid Block (designation for a bus stop in the middle of a block rather than at the intersection)
216 MBTA Massachusettes Bay Transportation Authority
217 MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act
218 MDBF Mean Distance Between Failures
219 MDS Mall Development Strategy
220 MIS Major Investment Study
221 MMIS Maintenance Management Information System
222 MOB Medical Office Building
223 MOB Montreux-Oberland Bernois-Bahn (in Germany)
224 MOE Measure of Effectiveness
225 MOS Minimum Operable Segment
226 MOU Memorandum of Understanding
227 MOW Maintenance of Way
228 MPAC Metro Policy Advisory Committee
229 MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
230 MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area (Census designation for larger cities with suburbs)
231 MSE Mechanically Stabilized Earth (type of retaining wall)
232 MTAC Metro Technical Advisory Committee
233 MTIP  Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program ($, see 'JPACT')
234 MTP Medical Transportation Program
235 MUP Multi Use Path
236 MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
237 NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
238 NACTO National Association of City Transportation Officials
239 NAD 27 North American Datum (standardized geolocational data format) from 1927
240 NAD 83 North American Datum (standardized geolocational data format) from 1983
241 NCRA North Clackamas Revitalization Area
242 NCTRP National Cooperative Transit Research and Development Program
243 NDA Neighborhood District Association
244 NEPA National Environmental Protection Act (Capital Projects Must Go Through This Process)
245 NFA No Further Action
246 NG Neil Goldschmidt
247 NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum (floodplain elevation standard)
248 NHS National Highway System
249 NIMBY "Not in My Backyard"
250 NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
251 NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
252 NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (federal process)
253 NPTS Nationwide Personal Transportation Stucy
254 NRAB Natural Resources Advisory Board
255 NRHP National Register of Historic Places
256 NRV Non-Revenue Vehicle
257 NS Near Side (of an intersection)
258 NTD National Transit Database
259 NTP Notice To Proceed
260 NTPM Non-Traditional Performance Measures
261 OAR Oregon Administrative Rules
262 OCC Operations Control Center
263 OCIP Owner Controlled Insurance Program
264 OCS Overhead Catenary System (electrical wires for LRT)
265 OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface (aviation term)
266 ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
267 ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
268 OECDD Oregon Economic and Community Development Department
269 OERHS Oregon Electric Rail Historical Society
270 OHP Oregon Highway Plan
271 OHWM Ordinary High Water Mark
272 OIG Office of Inspector General
273 OMAP Oregon Medical Assistance Program
274 OOH Out Of Home (advertising term - e.g., billboards, etc.)
275 OPAL Organizing People Activating Leaders
276 OPDR Office of Planning and Development Review (now called BDS)
277 ORS Oregon Revised Statutes
278 OTC Oregon Transportation Commission
279 OTIA Oregon Transportation Investment Act
280 OTP Oregon Transportation Plan
281 P&R Park & Ride
282 PA Preventable Accident
283 PAG Project Advisory Group
284 PAL Planning Activity Level
285 PAYGO Pay As You Go (federal funding term)
286 PD4T Planning and Design for Transit
287 PDA Project Development Agreement
288 PDC Portland Development Commission
289 PDH Professional Development Hour
290 PDOT Portland Office of Transportation
291 PDT Project Development Team
292 PE Preliminary Engineering (formal stage of New Starts project development)
293 PE Professional Engineer
294 PECBA Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act, ORS 243.650-243.782
295 PFB Portland Fire Bureau
296 PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
297 PIC Portland International Center
298 PIMBY "Put It in My Backyard"  (see NIMBY)
299 PIO Public Involvement Officer
300 PIP Productivity Improvement Program
301 PLPA Preliminary Locally Preferred Alternative
302 PMAC Portland Mall Advisory Group
303 PMG Project Manager's Group
304 PMMC Portland Mall Management Corporation
305 PMO Project Management Oversight
306 PMOC Project Management Oversight Consultant
307 PMP Project Management Plan
308 PMSA Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
309 PO Purchase Order
310 POE Permit of Entry
311 POEM Portland Office of Emergency Management
312 PR Program Requirements
313 PR Public Relations (see CI)
314 PRC Policy Review Committee
315 PSC Project Sponsors Council
316 PTBA Public Transit Benefit Area (one way to set up a transit system in Washington State, e.g., C-TRAN)
317 PTR Part Time Restriction
318 PVR Peak Vehicle Requirement
319 P-zone Protection zone (CoP environmental designation)
320 QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
321 QD Quick Drop
322 RACC Regional Arts & Culture Council
323 RBSM Registered Building Services Management
324 RCRC Rail Change Review Committee
325 RCW Revised Code of Washington (Washington State Laws)
326 RDC Rail Diesel Car
327 REA Revised Environmental Assessment
328 RF Route feet (feet of LRT route - used for cost estimation purposes)
329 RFIC Request for Industry Comment
330 RFP Request for Proposal
331 ROD Record of Decision
332 ROE Right of Entry
333 ROI Return on Investment
334 RON Remain Overnight (airplanes at airports)
335 ROW Right of Way
336 RPG Regional Partners Group
337 RQ Rose Quarter
338 RSIA Regionally Significant Industrial Area (potential designation in RTP)
339 RTC Regional Transportation Council (Clark Co., WA)
340 RTCC Elderly and Disabled Regional Transportation Coordinating Committee
341 RTO Regional Travel Options (new name for TDM under Metro)
342 RTP Regional Transportation Plan (Metro 2040)
343 RUGGO Regional Urban Growth Goals and Objectives
344 SAC Signatory Agency Committee (Washington State environmental review streamlining)
345 SAFETEA Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (Senate Version 2004)
346 SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (final version, August 2005)
347 SASSI Schedules at Stops and Shelters Initiative
348 SB Senate Bill
349 SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (data system for LRT ops)
350 SCC Standard Cost Categories (cost estimation template from FTA)
351 SCC South Corridor Constructors
352 SDC Seismic Design Criteria
353 SDEIS Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
354 SEE Social, Environmental and Economic Analysis (generally all the non-transportation, non-financial analyses in a NEPA document)
355 SETS Special Events Transit Service (committee at TriMet)
356 SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
357 SOJ Shiels Obletz Johnsen (consultant on Portland Mall and Streetcar)
358 SOLV (this is no longer an acronym… formerly known as Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism)
359 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
360 SPRT Service Provider Response Team
361 SPs Special Provisions
362 SRTP Short Range Transit Plan
363 STA Special Transportation Area (ODOT designation)
364 STAWG Surface Transportation Analysis Working Group
365 STF Special Transportation Funds
366 STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan ($)
367 STP Surface Transportation Program (federal)
368 T&E Threatened and endangered species
369 TAC Technical Advisory Committee
370 TANF Temporary Aid to Needy Families (federal program)
371 TBA To Be Announced
372 TBD To Be Determined
373 TC  Transit Center
374 TCL Transit Choices for Livability (a Past Tri-Met initiative)
375 TCM Transportation Control Measure
376 TCP Traditional Cultural Property (related to Native American Tribes)
377 TDA Tire-Derived Aggregate (ground up bits of tire for various paving uses)
378 TDM Transportation Demand Management
379 TDR Transfer of Development Rights
380 TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
381 TEA-LU Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (House Version 2004)
382 TEI TriMet Employees, Inc. (TriMet Health Club)
383 TFHRC Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
384 TGM Transporation and Growth Management (DLCD/ODOT grant program)
385 TIP Transit Investment Plan (TriMet 5-year plan)
386 TIP Transportation Improvement Plan
387 TMP Transportation Management Plan
388 TMS The Master Scheduler (scheduling software - used by C-TRAN)
389 TOD Transit Oriented Development
390 TPAC Transportation Policy Advisory Committee
391 TPE FTA Office of Planning and Environment
392 TPR Transportation Planning Rule (State)
393 TriMet Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon
394 TS&L Type Size and Location (refers to bridge engineering)
395 TSCC Tax Supervising & Conservation Committee (Multnomah County)
396 TSP Transit Signal Priority
397 TSP Transportation Systems Plan
398 TSUB Transportation System User Benefits (FTA cost-effectiveness measure - currently only measures transit benefits)
399 TTI Texas Transportation Institute
400 TVM Ticket Vending Machine
401 TWC Train-to-Wayside Communications
402 UBA Urban Business Area (ODOT designation)
403 UGB Urban Growth Boundary
404 UP Union Pacific (freight rail)
405 UPWP Unified Planning Work Program
406 URAC Urban Renewal Advisorty Committee
407 USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
408 USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
409 USTs Underground storage tanks
410 UWP Unified Work Program
411 V2V Vehicle - to - Vehicle (communiciations - especially in private vehicles for smart navigation/steering, etc.)
412 VE Value Engineering
413 VF Vertical feet (used for unit cost estimation purposes)
414 VRU Vulnerable Road User
415 WBS Work Breakdown Structure
416 WCCR Washington County Commuter Rail
417 WEA Westside Economic Alliance
418 WRBAC Willamette River Bridge Advisory Committee
419 WSL Willamette Shore Line
420 WTS Women's Transportation Seminar (Professional Development Organization)
421 WVR Weekday Vehicle Hours
422 YOE Year of Expenditure
423 ZZZZ Fell asleep from reading too many acronyms

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