Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tons of definitions

ITC Glossary

 A B C D E F G-K  L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z



Accident/Incident DatabaseACIDTracking/reporting database for accidents/incidents, utilized by Bus Dispatch and Rail Control.
Activity Based AnalysisA technique used to estimate resources (costs) involved in performing a given activity. It treats an activity like a small self-contained mini-business, assigning it both income and expense items, Overhead expenses are allocated in a proportional manner.
ApacheA web server that runs on many different platforms; Unix, Linux, Win95/98/NT/2K, and others. It handles conventional (no 'forms') web pages. It is not 'enabled' to run programs.
ApplicationA program or group of programs designed for end users. Examples of trimmed applications are Payroll, Accounts Payable, Vehicle Maintenance. There is a complete list of trimmed applications in Section 3.0 of the IT Business Plan.
Application UnitAUA relative measure of the effort required to develop, maintain and support a particular computer application. One application unit equals approximately 40 hours of pure work. AUs are analogous to "billable hours, as no overhead (training, administrative, leave time) is included. One FTE can accomplish an average of 30 AU per year.
Automated Travel Information SystemATIS(Jeff Frane to define)
Automatic Passenger CounterAPCVehicle or platform based system with database for tracking ridership.
Accessible Transportation ProgramsATPTriMet LIFT service for special needs transportation, as well as TriMet-brokered special needs ride services on behalf of Oregon Medical Assistance Program (OMAP) clients.
Automatic Vehicle LocationAVL(Ken Turner to define)

B - C

BandwidthThe bandwidth of a computer network is a measure of the range of frequencies it can transmit. Capacity of a network increases as bandwidth increases, so bandwidth is a means to describe relative network capacity.
BrowserShort for "Web browser", a software application used to locate and display Web pages. The two most popular browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). IE is TriMet's standard for browsers.
Bus Dispatch SystemBDSSystem for dispatch/control of fixed-route bus and LIFT bus transportation operations.
Business processA process is any activity or group of activities that takes an input, adds value to it, and provides an output to an internal or external customer. A business process consists of a group of logically related tasks that use the resources of the organization to provide defined results in support of the organization's objectives.
Capital Budget CommitteeCBCStaff advisory committee to Leadership Team for next-year TriMet capital budget as well as annually-updated 5-year capital budget forecast and 5-year capital needs forecast (CIP)
Capital Investment AnalysisCIAa standard analysis procedure for evaluating proposed capital projects for inclusion in TriMet's next-year capital budget and 5-year capital budget forecast.
Capital Improvement ProgramCIPTriMet's annually-updated 5-year capital needs forecast. Includes �Replacement Program� and �Improvement Program�. �Replacement Program� includes necessary replacement and rehabilitation of existing capitol assets. �Improvement Program� includes additions to the capital plant that further TriMet�s program priorities.
ClientA computer on a network that accesses resources provided by another computer called a server. A thin client, or dumb terminal is limited in capability. A smart client, or PC, also provides computing power for work that logically should be done on the client instead of the server.
Client-Server ArchitectureA network architecture in which each computer or process on the network is either a client or a server. Servers are powerful computers dedicated to managing files, and performing compute-intensive tasks, and controlling the access of multiple clients. Clients rely on servers for network resources, such as printing and file sharing.
Closed Circuit TelevisionCCTVCamera/image surveillance and recording systems on vehicles, passenger facilities and operations facilities.
Cellular Digital Packet DataCPDP(ken Turner to define)
Central Control SystemCCSSystem for operations control of MAX light rail train movements and associated MAX right-of-way equipment systems.
Citizens Advisory CommitteeCACCitizen advisory committee to TriMet's Board of Directors for development of TriMet's annual budget.
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureAn architecture that enables pieces of programs, called objects, to communicate with one another regardless of what programming language they were written in.CORBA was developed by an industry consortium of vendors.
Computer Telephony IntegrationCTICall Center system to provide background information regarding customer and computer equipment and automate related manual tasks including routing, tracking and alarm functions.
Content Management SystemCMSSystem to organize, manage and facilitate publication of TM intranet and internet websites.
Continuing ExpenseExpenses that continue indefinitely, generally including operating costs, maintenance, consumables, and debt service. Agency policy strives to use continuing revenues to fund all continuing expenses, creating fiscal stability.
Cost DriverThe allocation method of assigning costs to activities.


DataDistinct pieces of information, formatted in a meaningful way. Data can be bits and bytes stored in memory, or words written on paper. Strictly speaking data is the plural of datum, a single piece of information, but people often use data in the singular sense.
Data ManagementBecause a database is a shared resource it is essential to have centralized coordination of design, implementation, and maintenance. In the IT Plan, data management refers to the processes used to create and manage a common pool of data to be shared between systems and departments.
Data ModelA high-level description of data that focuses on the properties of data as opposed to specific procedures for manipulating data. Data modeling is used to design efficient systems by eliminating data redundancies and inconsistencies. Just a few examples of data included in TriMet's data model are: stop locations, routes, amenities, distances, itineraries, employee information.
Data ObjectsAn object is a self-contained entity that consists of both data and procedures to manipulate the data. Objects are created when systems are built to insure data-, centric design.
DatabaseA collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select and arrange desired pieces of data. Traditional databases are organized by fields, records, and tables. See also Relational Database.
Database 2DB2A family of relational database products vended by IBM. DB2 provides a powerful database environment that runs on a wide variety of platforms. TriMet applications using DB2 include the Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS).
Data-centricThe data-centric model focuses on underlying data requirements of a process, rather than on the actual conduct of the business process. This approach creates a durable and persistent data foundation that is less dependent on volatile business procedures.

E - F

End-userThe individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed and marketed (finished product). Usually refers to a personal computer user.
EnterpriseThe entire corporate entity. Used in conjunction with other words to emphasize a corporate-wide approach, as opposed to the limited view of one department. See enterprise database, enterprise computing.
Enterprise ComputingManaging information technology as a corporate resource used interconnect departments, functions, and individuals. Enterprise computing is the "digital nervous system" of the organization.
Enterprise DatabaseAn electronic repository of all important agency information, obtained from a variety of sources, distributed over several computers, and accessible to business processes throughout the organization.
Extended Markup LanguageXMLAn updated version of HTML that not only describes the way to lay out content on a Web page for display or printing, which HTML does, but also describes the nature of the content. XML provides a way of indexing data for retrieval and for other kinds of manipulation. XML provides a simple way to handle data exchange over the Internet/Intranet.
ExtranetA network external to the organization. Often used synonymously with Internet, in order to distinguish between the external network (global Internet) and the internal network (TriMet's local Intranet).
Fiber-Optic CableA cable containing dozens of strands of glass or other transparent material known as optical fibers. Each strand carries light beams that are modulated to transmit information. Fiber-optic cables carry far more data than ordinary means of transmission, such as copper wires.
FirewallA system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. TriMet's firewall prevents unauthorized Internet users from accessing our business systems. The firewall examines each transaction and blocks those that do not meet security criteria.
FormAn Internet/Web page keyword. A 'form' contains information/data submitted to the server along with an embedded request for a program to be performed. For instance the 'logon page' of a web site may contain a form. The form is the coding mechanism used to pass the UserID and UserPswd to the server along with a request to run the 'user validation' program.

G - K

Geographic Information SystemsGIS(Bibiana Kamler to define)
Global Positioning SystemGPSA satellite-based navigational system that enables users to determine their location with high precision. TriMet buses are equipped with GPS units capable of continually reporting position.
Graphical User InterfaceGUIA program interface that takes advantage of pictures and graphics to make the program simple to use. Windows NT, used at TriMet, provides graphics such as tool bars and menus, making the computer easier to use.
HardwareRefers to devices you can actually touch, like disks, display monitors, keyboards, printers, computer processors and chips. Software, by contrast, consists of ideas, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance.
Human Resources/Payroll Management SystemHRMSan integrated management information system for human resources business functions, including payroll administration.
HypertextA special type of database system in which objects (text, pictures, programs, etc.) can be linked to each other. When you select an object, you can see the objects that are attached to it. Hypertext is useful for browsing large databases of disparate types of information.
Hypertext Markup LanguageThe language used to format documents for viewing with a browser on the user machine or on a network, including the World Wide Web. HTML tells browsers how to display type and images to the user and describes responses to user actions such a activation of a link by a mouse click.
Illustrated Parts CatalogIPCDetailed catalog of equipment with exploded diagrams listing individual parts by number.
Information TechnologyElectronically enabled resources used to carry out the activities of the organization. Includes telecommunications equipment, such as networks, routers, voice and data switches, fiber optic cables. Includes computer equipment such as mainframes, workstations, personal computers, modems, printers. Includes data resources such as files, application resources, operating systems, and business rules.
Information Technology CommitteeStaff advisory committee to Leadership Team for information technology (IT) elements of next-year TriMet capital and operating budgets, as well as annually-updated 5-year IT capital and operating budget forecast/plan, and 5-year IT capital and operating needs forecast.
Information Technology DepartmentA Department within the Finance and Administration Division assigned responsibility for managing TriMet's information technology.
Information Technology Project RequestITPR(Don Haas to define)
Integrated Voice ResponseIVRCall A Bus Replacement System � System to give customers more control over how and when they request, reserve, receive conformation, change or cancel LIFT trips.
Interactive Development EnvironmentThis is the windowed interactive framework that a programmer works within, such as JBuilder.
Intelligent Transportation SystemsITSA broad range of diverse technologies which, when applied to our current transportation system, can help improve safety, reduce congestion, enhance mobility, minimize environmental impacts, save energy, and promote economic productivity. ITS technologies are varied and include information processing, communications, control and electronics.
InternetA global network connecting millions of computers. The Internet has several hundred million users worldwide and is growing rapidly. The Internet is decentralized by design -- each Internet computer is independent, free to pick and choose what services to provide.
IntranetA network designed to organize and share information and carry out digital business transactions within a company. An Intranet employs technologies associated with the Global Internet, such as Web pages, browsers, e-mail, and hypertext, but is accessible only to those within the organization
In-Vehicle UnitsIVU(Ken Turner to define)
JavaA high-level object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java code can run on many different computers, and is well-suited for use on the World Wide Web.

L - N

Legacy ApplicationA computer system that remains in use after an organization installs more modern technology. Compatibility with legacy systems is important when new software is installed.
Local Area NetworkLANA group of PCs, servers, printers and similar devices connected over a network in a relatively limited geography such as a building or a floor.
MainframeThe tern mainframe comes from the use of "frame" as a large rack to hold computer electronics. Mainframe as a single word is used as a designation of large-scale multi-purpose processors supporting hundreds of users simultaneously, in contrast to mini-computers and personal computers. IBM is the largest manufacturer of mainframes.
Maintenance and/or ReplacementM/RThe IT investment priority for maintenance or replacement of IT systems or equipment.
Maintenance Management Information SystemMMISTriMet's computerized maintenance management information system.
Mission-Critical SystemA business system that is essential in performing the primary function of the agency, i.e. "carrying passengers safely and reliably." Systems in this category include ATP Trip Scheduling and Dispatch, Rail Control, Bus Dispatch, and all associated infrastructure including networks, servers, wiring, and power Supplies
Moore's LawIntel co-founder Gordon Moore's rule of thumb, which has turned out to be true, that microprocessors would double in processing power every eighteen to twenty four months.


One Time Only (expense)OTOExpenditures that do not recur ever year.
Open System InterconnectionOSIStandard for worldwide communications that defines a networking framework for implementing protocols in seven layers (including: application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, and physical layer)
Operating SystemOSThe most important program running on a computer, the OS creates a way to run other programs by recognizing user input and performing basic tasks like displaying screens, keeping track of files, and controlling external devices.
OracleBased in Redwood, California, Oracle Corporation is the world's largest vendor of database products. Oracle is TriMet's standard relational database. Oracle is also the vendor of TriMet's financial application software, creating a source of confusion, because "Oracle Financials" is a completely different product from "Oracle Database", but both are referred to as "Oracle."
Orbital Transportation Management SystemsORBital TMSTrade name used by Orbital Transportation Management Systems Inc., the vendor of TriMet�s Bus Dispatch System.


Performance MeasurementThe process of developing measurable indicators that can be systematically tracked to assess progress made in achieving predetermined objectives and using such indicators to assess progress in achieving these objectives. Performance measurement is an assessment of an organization's performance, including measures of productivity, effectiveness, quality, and timeliness.
Plateau ProjectSystematic upgrading of over 700 TriMet desktop systems to a common level of hardware and software configuration, allowing systems to have a uniform look and feel, to be easily maintained and to be completely compatible with each other.
PlatformThe underlying hardware or software for a system. For example, the platform for TriMet's Bus Dispatch System is a Sun Microsystems server running the Solaris operating system.
Point-of-SalePOSThe place in a store at which goods are paid for. Computerized scanners for reading tags and bar codes, electronic cash registers, and other special devices record purchases. POS systems connected with enterprise-wide computing allows real-time analysis and control and faster response to customer demand. TriMet's GPS/dispatch system has some of the potential of POS.
PortalA Web site that becomes a user's primary starting point for access to the Internet or Intranet. The portal creates navigation options to multiple information
Productivity/or Process ImprovementsPIPThe IT investment priority for improvements to internal TriMet business systems or processes, usually �invisible� to external customers.
Programmable Logic ControllerPLCA device used to automate monitoring and control of industrial equipment.

Q - R

Relational Database Management SystemRDBMSA database that stores data in a series of related tables. Relational databases are powerful because they require few assumptions about how data are related or how data will be extracted from the database. As a result, the same database can be used for many different purposes


ServerA computer system that controls access to a network and network resources such as printer access, file sharing, and application sharing. TriMet has over 30 servers. Some of them provide access to information in databases, or on Web sites, while others coordinate the flow of data and computer process among other servers.
Service Level AgreementSLAA written agreement establishing mutual agreed expectations between a service provider (IT Department) and a customer receiving services (end user department).
SoftwareSWComputer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software. See also hardware. The distinction between software and hardware is confusing because they are integrally linked. For instance, whey you buy software, you receive a disk (hardware) on which the software is recorded.
StakeholderA person, group, department, division, etc. with a vested interest in a business system or process
StandardA definition or format that has been approved by an independent organization or that has been accepted by an organization/agency. For example, standards apply for operating systems, communication protocols, programming language,
Strategic ImprovementsSIThe IT investment priority for improvements which directly fulfill one or more elements of TriMet's Strategic Direction/Nine Principles and Transit Investment Plan, usually benefitting revenue service delivery and/or external customers directly.
StrutsA web application development manager. It allows one to separate the business layer (is this a preferred vendor?, has this customer established credit?, do not allow online orders over $10,000, etc.), from the database layer (SELECT these fields from this database table, INSERT this data into a table in the database, DELETE these row(s) from a database table), from the presentation layer (make the customer name in big letters, ARIAL, and RED. make the screen background this picture of Mt. Hood, . . .)
Structured Query LanguageSQL is a standardized language for retrieving information from a database. SQL supports distributed databases (spread out over several computer systems) enabling multiple users to access the same database simultaneously
Supervisory Control and Data AcquisitionSCADASupervisory control and data acquisition system. A software package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in general via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules, enabling centralized remote supervision and control of operations fixed-facility equipment systems.
Telecommunications Steering CommitteeTSCStaff advisory committee for TriMet telecommunications related improvements, to ensure that additions, modifications, and use of TriMet communications infrastructure, including telecommunication partnerships with other local government agencies, are performed in a coordinated manner which considers TriMet needs and priorities.
Teletypewriter/Text TelephoneTTYA device that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing, orspeech-impaired to use the telephone to communicate via a text keyboard.
Ticket Vending MachineTVMVending machines which dispense TriMet ticket stock to customers.
TSCC(is this the MultCo Tax Supervisory Control Commission? if so, ask Dave Auxier or Claire Potter to define)
Thatcher ReportTriMet's five-year plan for telecommunications systems, prepared by Frank Thatcher and Associates, January 29, 1999.
Three Tier ArchitectureNewer computing architecture in which software systems are structured into Ithree networked tiers or layers; the client or presentation layer, the business logic layer, and the data layer. PCs usually provide the client/presentation layer. �Servers in the middle tier, or business logic layer coordinate transactions : between the user and the data tier
TOMCATAn add-in to the APACHE web server. TOMCAT can handle Internet requests (forms) that require running a program; for example, going to a database, verifying a logon, doing complicated data processing routines.
Transmission Control Protocol/internet ProtocolTCP/IPA standards-based specification for Internet and Intranet-based Applications -standardization of networks over the last few years makes possible efficient company-wide and world-wide sharing of data.
Two Tier ArchitectureA client-server architecture in which the user interface runs on the client and the database is stored on the server.

U - Z

Universal Resource LocatorURLThe global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The URL contains the unique domain name or internet address where a resources is located and in addition specifies the protocol to be used in accessing the resource.
UNIX Operating SystemA popular multi-user operating system developed at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. Due to its portability, flexibility, power, and low cost, UNiX has become the leading operating system for medium size computer systems.
UserAn individual who uses a computer. This includes programmers, as well as people outside the IT profession, who run applications. An end user is any individual who runs an application program
VirusA program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Most viruses can replicate themselves. All computer viruses are human made. Dangerous viruses can bypass security systems and destroy files.
Wide Area NetworkWANA seamless array of communications interconnections between sites located in a metropolitan (or larger) are. TriMet�s WAN connects 17 sites in the greater Portland Metropolitan area.
WindowsA family of operating systems vended by Microsoft Corporation. Windows dominates the marketplace, running on over 90% of all personal computers. Windows 2000 is the current TriMet standard for personal computers.
World Wide WebWWWA system of internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The documents are formatted in a language called HTML that supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio and video files. This means it is possible for a user to move from one document to another by clicking on �links� or �hot spots. Not all Internet servers are part of the World Wide Web.

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